Our History

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Our History


India is the land  of enormous resources which attracted invaders over the centuries to loot it's resources. In history, India have seen many invasions and plunders than any other country of the world. British rule has been the worst of them. Before Britishers came to India, India was ruled by thousands of kingdoms. People of India had their loyalties to these kingdoms but the citizens never exploited of their basic rights. British came to India in the garb of business aspects and by their guile and mischievous diplomacy converted our country into its colony with an open view of extracting out our resources for their advantage.


After continuous oppression on Indian people, saw a massive revolution in 1857 which started from historical British cantonment Barrackpore,West Bengal where Mangal Pandey lead army personal protested against the divisive and foul practices of the British Indian Army, Soon it snowballed into a humongous revolt and kingdoms strewn across the country participated in it by engaging people in general. Among them Nana ji Rao Peshva,Tatia Tope and Jhansi’s Laxmi Bai were Spearheds. This revolt was definitely contained by British but it paved the path for Nationalistic uprisings among Indians and prepared grounds for India’s struggle for freedom.


In 1908, Bombay Province witnessed a massive protest by 30000 workers involved with cotton Industry led by Lala Lajpat Rai over various demands. As a result Lala Lajpat Rai was imprisoned and tortured. But the indomitable spirit of revolution by raising protests against against anti Indian policies of thd rulers.In this mean time, the icon  Great National Hero, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose came into the political arena.The nation took note of Netaji when he renounced success of ICS (erstwhile civil services and luxurious service)and dedicated himself to the service of mother India.


Subhash Chandra Bose earlier joined Indian National congress and  soon became vey popular but he realized that Congress may not be the complete answer  to India’s aspiration of freedom and holistic delelopement post independence. So, he left congress and tried for other alternatives formed and finally he understand the necessity of militant struggle to uproot the Britishers, so his great escape from the coutry lead him to meet world leaders through their support he formed Azad Hind Fauz to free India from the clutches of the British rule.


India gained freedom in 1947 but modern outlook of India was yet to be framed where the various challenges could be answered. In the post independence era Netaji followers amalgamated Nationalistic and Socialist ideology to incorporate every strata of the Indian society. Going forward in the coming decades those leaders in particular workers representative,  following the path shown by Netaji, formed the Trade Union Co-ordination Centre ( TUCC).