About Us
Trade Union Co-ordination Centre (TUCC) is one of the 12 Central Trade Union Organisation of the country being recognised by Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India. TUCC is an independent Central Trade Union Centre who believe in Nationalist ideology of “NetajiSubhas Chandra Bose”, hence envisaged Nationalism in character and socialist philosophy as adhered by Netaji himself during independent struggle of the country.
The 9th National Conference of TUCC was held on 30th Nov – 2nd Dec 2015 at Lakdi Ka Pul, Hyderabad, Telengana, in which PAC, DAC, Central Committee and Central Secretariat was elected. Com. S. P. Tiwari (West Bengal) was re-elected as General Secretary for successive 3rd term in the conference while Com. Hansraj Akela (UP) was designated as Acting President of TUCC since 11.05.2018.
The 10th National Conference of TUCC was held on 4th-6th January 19 at Nagpur, Maharashtra, which elected Com S.P.Tiwari as General Secretary for 4th time consecutively. while Com Hansraj Akela was re-elected as President The conference elected the Central Secretariat, Central Committee, DAC and NEC.
The 11th National Conference of TUCC was held on 7th to 9th may – 2022 at Haridwar, Uttarakhand, in which PAC, DAC, Central Committee and Central Secretariat was elected. Com. S. P. Tiwari (West Bengal) was re-elected as General Secretary for successive 5th term in the conference while Com. Hansraj Akela (UP) was re- elected as President of TUCC.
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Mail Us to Start With Us: tucccentraloffice@gmail.com
Our Central Secretariat
Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, idealogically comitted and visionary leaders can change The world of work. The culturally motivated wings of workers, peasants, youth and women irrespective of their caste, creed and religions can achieve socialist India as dreamt by Netaji Subhash Ch. Bose.

Hansraj Akela
National President
Address: Mohalla Ramnagar,Vill+Post-Gursahayganj,Kannauj-209722, U.P.
Mob No: 9839815824
Designation: National President, TUCC
Tripartite Membership: Member, Central advisory Committee,BOCWW,Govt. of India

Janardan Pandey
National Vice President
Address:Vill :Garhitand PO: Maledih District,Deoghar Jharkhand PIN 814114
Mob No:9430719079
Tripartite Membership: Member,CAC Board on Minimum Wages,Govt. of India
Education: B.A

Sheo Prasad Tiwari
National General Secretary
Address: 28, East Ghoshpara Road,Shyamnagar,Kolkata-743127
Mob No:9433031343
Designation: National General Secretary
Tripartite Membership: Member, CBT-EPFO, Govt. of India
Education: B.Com,L.L.B,DSW(SW)

Ramendra Kumar
National Secretary
Address: Lokhande Bhawan ,F-52, Vikas Nagar,Uttam Nagar,New Delhi -110059.
Mob No: 9868815915
DESIGNATION: National Secretary , TUCC & General Secretary, National Progressive Constructions' Workers' Federation(NPCWF).
Tripartite Membership: Member , DTNBWED, Govt of India.
Education: MBA Rural Administration

Sanjay Katkamwar
National Secretary
Address:Nanga Putala Chowk,Gandhibag,Nagpur-440002
Mob No:9423681340
Designation: National Secretary,TUCC
Tripartite Membership: Director,Employees State Insurance Society,Govt. of Maharashtra.

T. Anandmurugan
National Secretary
Address: C2 3rd floor first Street, Meenakshipuram Pallikaranai, Chennai, Tamilnadu 6000100
Mob No:9383333555
Designation: National Secretary , TUCC
Education: Diploma in Hygenic Management

S.GH.Rasool Geelani
National Secretary
Address:Al-Mustafa Colony Handwara--115,District: Kupwara (J&K)(UT),Pin: 193221
Mob No:7780845381
Designation: National Secretary , TUCC & President , State Committee J&K & General Secretary, Jammu Kashmir Employees Joint Action Committee (J&K-EJAC).
Tripartite Membership: Member, J&K ESI society govt of J&K
Education: M.A Political Science.

Anita Juneja
National Secretary
Address: Lokhande Bhawan, F-52, Vikas Nagar,Uttam Nagar,New Delhi -110059.
Mob No:9891264064
Designation: National Secretary TUCC & General Secretary,NPDWF
Education: Graduate

Inder Singh
National Secretary
Address: Ayudh Nirman estate, Raipur, Uttarakhand , Dehradun-490042
Mob No:9917862376
Tripartite Membership: National Secretary , TUCC & General Secretary,National Progressive Defence Employees' Federation & Member Regional Board,EPFO,Uttarakhand Region
Education: OFB Apprenticeship

Pramod Patel
National Secretary
Address: Bhimnagar,Ujariyawan,Gomati Nagar,Lucknow-226010
Mob No:9236129724
Designation: National Secretary,TUCC & General Secretary,Uttarpradesh State,TUCC
Education: Graduate
Our Latest Activity
TUCC association Sahayika organised cloth distribution ceremony

Latest Correspondence